This is footage of militarized police in Anaheim, California.
Since 9/11, the US government has been expanding its power. First, came the multi-trillion-dollar-a-year War on Terror. Then, the Department of Homeland Security was created to combat terrorism by stopping online piracy. Next, there was the Patriot Act that expanded the US government's ability to gather information on "terror suspects" (it also expanded the term "terrorism" to include domestic terrorists, aka US citizens). In 2011, President Barack Obama extended the most frightening aspects of the Patriot Act, and, in the same year, became the first US President to kill an American citizen without due process. In 2012, President Obama created the nightmarish National Defense Authorization Act, a frothing, tentacled creature born of Phillip K Dick's paranoid hallucinations and Joseph Stalin's Manual for Running Your Country*.
With the recent protests leading to an overblown police response in Anaheim, one question pops up: Could this be a test run? Is Anaheim the US government's version of Columbus, Ohio, where they're product testing violence instead of new fast food creations? Let's review this week and see what has brought forth this level of police power. For a good video recap, check out this CBS News video. Wikipedia also has ongoing coverage.
July 21, 2012 - Police approach 25-year-old Manuel Diaz. He runs, so they shoot and kill him. Witnesses in the area begin questioning the police for murdering an unarmed man. Tensions rise, and in the end, officers disperse the crowd with shotguns loaded with bean bags, tasers and a wild K-9 looking for a snack. When the dust settles, police officers attempted to purchase witnesses' cell phones and cameras to hide video evidence of the event.
July 22, 2012 - The day after murdering an unarmed Latino, police kill another, even younger, Latino named Joel Acevedo. Reports say he fired at police, though that is still "under investigation." This second killing sparked more protests, and in the following days, protests grew, drawing larger numbers of police responders. For the most part, protests have seemed peaceful and restrained given the circumstances. But as they continue, more and more militarized police are entering Anaheim, prepared to follow orders, orders that hopefully include "protect and serve".
*This is not really a book by Stalin, though he does have several that Obama probably reads before bed.