Sunday, November 11, 2012


One thing we all know is that Google loves to make tongue-in-cheek logos. They have thousands of different logos that display in different localities on different days, from Tesla's birthday to Kwanza and more. Here's Google's "Doodle Archive".

It got us thinking, what other kinds of messages are they sending with their logos? Have you ever looked at the logo for Google Chrome? It looks like a giant eyeball, staring right at you. It's watching your every move. It's peering into your browsing habits and down into your soul. Why would they make Chrome's logo a terrifying robot eyeball?

Image copyright Google, Inc. Used here under fair comment and criticism usage.
We started looking into the news, and while there have always been privacy concerns about Google, there seem to be more and scarier stories popping up lately.

It even got so bad the EU's data chief asked Google to change their policy.

I recently helped someone create a Gmail account, and we were both shocked when we saw one of the agreements at the bottom that was already checked. It said, "Google may use my account information to personalize +1's on content and ads on non-Google websites". It was a frightening concept, and it was Google's default choice for us. It makes us wonder how safe Chrome really is.

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