Friday, October 19, 2012


Click here to read PART ONE.

Click here to read PART TWO.

The POTUSes.
By A. Feusier, via Wikimedia Commons
President of the United States of America. The most powerful person on earth. Ruler of the biggest, bestestest country ever invented. The "Leader of the Free World". The Man.

Not really.

Freakonomics did an eye-opening piece about how much power the POTUS really has, and revealed there really isn't much he can do. He's literally a mascot for America, a figurehead that represents this country, and not much more. Even the most powerful tool he has, the veto, can be overturned by Congress! So, when you go out and vote, you're really just choosing between a big foam elephant costume or a shiny, satin donkey costume for an out-of-work theater manager to wear while he dances around between plays at high school football games.

You're not picking someone who writes and passes laws or balances a budget or runs governmental agencies like the FDA, DEA, CDC, etc. Congress and the House do all that (or act like they do). They make the laws and they vote on them. They--and their corporate, lobbyist leaders--run this country.

Your presidential vote gives you in the dream. It gives you the illusion of freedom, distracting you from the real players in the game. It's the meatloaf your wife gives you to keep you happy while really she's hooking up with all your friends. It keeps your eyes this way while the rats tear into your back.

There's not much more to say. Your vote is a lie. There's no point. It's a broken system meant to trick you into choosing between two helpless pawns. We want to leave you with something uplifting, the music video for Killer Mike's song "Reagan". Enjoy.

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