Friday, October 12, 2012


Click here PART ONE.

The second part of our "RIGHT TO VOTE? WRONG" series continues on the heels of the vice presidential debate. If you didn't watch with glee and rapture, here's a link. We obviously aren't voting, but if we had to choose, we'd choose Joe Biden for president 2012. He gets a bad rap from The Media, but he's one of the most entertaining politicians in the mainstream (and one of the poorest politicians out there). The following clip showcases his off-beat humor that The Media, and most of America, just doesn't get.

Classic Biden!

Moving on to the real issues, if you're still not convinced after Part 1, here's possibly the biggest reason not to vote:


The voting system, as we've pointed out, is a sham, but roughly half the country goes out and votes in every presidential election. Worldwide, that's a low number, but it's still way too high. When half of the eligible voters in the United States go out and vote, they're telling each other, and their masters, that they support the system. The system works. The system is good. Two choices, an electoral college, hackable machines, media and financial taint, and all the other grimes aspects of the voting system are A-OK.

People do this all the time. It's called boycotting. When Chik-fil-A declared their hatred for homosexuals, people who support freedom boycotted the chicken joint. When TV pundits like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck go too far, people quit buying their garbage and watching their shows. When companies are found to use slave and child labor, consumers boycott their brands. It's a simple concept. You stop supporting things you don't support.
G. Dub has better things to do.
If you go out and vote this November, you're saying, "Yes, this is a good system, and I support it." If enough people vote, we will continue using this broken, shattered system. Your vote doesn't matter, but your non-vote does. Don't vote. Don't support this system. Support freedom. Stay home. Spend your time doing something important. In the next part we'll explain why your vote truly DOES NOT MATTER.

Click here to read PART THREE.

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