Tuesday, September 2, 2014


PART I: Getting Acquainted with Our Brains
What if you are not what you see in the mirror? You are not a human body, with a brain in your skull, carried around in a human body, living your life. Your brain has been removed and placed into a vat of liquid (or maybe it has always existed in that vat) where electrical impulses are used to simulate your reality. All your memories and experiences are false, mere transmissions sent to a blind, eyeless brain trapped in a tub of liquid.

Human brain in a jar. Photo by Gaetan Lee.

It may sound like the acid-induced dream of some hippie, but the "brain in a vat" concept has been around for centuries. From Zhuanzi's butterfly dream to René Descartes' Discourse on the Method ("I think, therefore I am") to modern science fiction movies like The Thirteenth Floor and The Matrix, it has been a concept that has intrigued and irritated mankind. It is a question that, no matter how seemingly implausible, cannot be proved nor disproved.

One variation incorporates the idea of the "collective memory", the idea that our consciousnesses share some  common bank of memories and experiences (this is what "instinct" is alleged to stem from). The idea is that we are not all brains in vats, but we are all elements of one brain in a vat, that our entire world is being simulated for this one "God brain". In fact, there are similar theories that God is the amalgamation of every human consciousness. We are merely brain cells powering His brain.

God, as a brain in a vat, having His reality simulated.

This raises many more questions. If God's brain is the brain in the vat, who is manipulating it? Could Jesus have been a manifestation of God's physical form inside His simulated reality? What if the God brain is actually someone else's brain? If so, then who? Here at Conspiracy Fury, we think we have the answer: Walt Disney.

PART II: The Tools of a God
Walt Disney's cryopreservation has been a pop culture topic--and joke--for years. Turning things into laughable "urban legends" is an age-old tactic for information control. Anyone who believes Walt Disney had his head preserved must be beyond the deep end! Don't let ridicule and judgment from the closed-minded ever impede your quest for answers. There are no stupid questions, only stupid people who give up on finding the truth. With that in mind, let's take a deeper look at cryonics and suspended animation.

Cryonics is the preservation of a dead organic life form in ultra-low temperatures. The idea is to preserve the body and/or mind until future technologies can resuscitate them. Typically it is for people with untreatable diseases. Suspended animation is a similar technology, though the subject remains alive during the sleep state. While suspended animation fits better with the brain in a vat scenario, it is more likely that Disney was cryonically preserved because that technology has been around longer.

Astronauts in suspended animation. From Lost in Space (1965).
One piece of "evidence" that Disney wasn't preserved is the that technology "wasn't around" or wasn't perfected at the time of his death on December 15, 1966. This small list of known cryonically preserved people includes Dr. James Bedford, the first man to undergo the procedure. Bedford died on January 12, 1967, merely one month after Disney. It is highly doubtful that the technology went from the early stages of development to complete functionality in one month. It's likely the technology was ready to be used well before Bedford's death.

It is also alleged that current technology does not allow for reanimation from cryogenic preservation. In 2005, however, a team of doctors from the Safar Center for Resuscitation Research placed dogs into a state of suspended animation and successfully brought them back to life. Their work has been ongoing over the past seven years, though stories with headlines like "Zombie Dogs" haven't been popping up in the news, possibly due to information suppression.

What's also interesting is that Snopes, who is usually the go-to conspiracy theory destroyer, has a weak and inconclusive article on Disney's suspended animation. Most of their "evidence" consists of quotes from the Disney heirs themselves. The comic sans doesn't help the article's credibility, either.

PART III: Enough Power and Money to Be God
Based on current pricing of cryonic preservation, Disney had/has more than enough resources to undergo any procedure, maintain himself indefinitely, and fund further research into successful cryonic resuscitation. This is verified by the current assets owned by Disney Corp. (be aware: the scope of Disney's reach and power is utterly terrifying).

By Inductiveload, via Wikimedia Commons
This powerful corporation has been linked to the Illuminati numerous times. For some in-depth reading on the Disney bloodline, CIA and Illumuniati connections and more, check out this article on Forbidden Knowledge. If anyone has the power or knows the rituals necessary to keep a human brain or spirit alive for decades it's the Illuminati.

Some other interesting connections arise when looking at Walt Disney's numerology. He died in 1966 (a number strikingly similar to 666). His inner dreams number was 9. His expression number was 6. And his soul urge number was 6. 9, 6 and 6. 1966. Whether this ties back to his occult dealings or is a subconscious manifestation in his simulated reality, we can't say.

There is little doubt Disney lacked the resources and connections to be cryonically frozen, but now to the topic that affects everyone reading this, everyone on Earth, and every being in our current universe. We are all figments of Walt Disney's vivid imagination, clouds in his vanilla sky, living false lives in a false reality created for a man who wanted to be God.

PART IV: Our Life in the Disney "Vault"
What are dreams? What is deja-vu? What are those glitches in the Matrix? All the data Walt's brain is processing takes a toll on his frozen synapses. They are breaks from our "reality" caused by his need to control the world around him.

Is there free will in this world? Is anything "real"? DeCartes would have a field day with all this new information, but can we ever come to any type of conclusion about who or what we are, and what this life is? The simulation of the human experience is so real to us (it's all we've ever known) that we may never break free of it, and if we were to break free, where would that take us? Undoubtedly, we can't live outside of Disney's mind, so in many ways we are trapped in a manufactured reality, and we'll never know the true freedom of the human experience. It's a sad thought, but one can always hope. We can always do our best to make our own reality in this simulation, to live and love and experience as much as we can, no matter how real or manufactured it is.

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