Sunday, June 3, 2012


By Donovan Govan via Wikimedia Commons

Information control or obscuration is a detriment to the human race. Sooner rather than later all information will be funneled to individuals based on prior activities. Currently, it might not be possible to completely narrow everyone's minds. Given an article posted on Conspiracy Fury about a maleware called Flame, ultimate information control is not far off, though. Never underestimate the power of your government. Most of the information an individual views can be shared with second, third, countless parties with no consent from the individual. Example: buy something online, then check your email. Look at all the emails/junkmail directly related to that purchase. Should capitalism be allowed to continue in such a manner?

Perhaps in the future based on online transactions and social posts you could be pigeonholed into a direct demographic. Then be allowed to only view information or products based on your "likes" or purchases.  This would inhibit outside world views or information foreign because of your previous activity. Constriction of ideas would lead to further narrowing of human intellect. Thus making everyone easier to put into a category.  Potential threats to information totalitarianism could be easily located once all humans are categorized.

New information that would broaden human intellect would be hampered or inaccessible. Funneling of accessible information would destroy the ability to debate ideals outside your own fine tuned category.  In order to debate or constructively criticize one must also have knowledge of the ideas out side your own.  Progression of information filtering will create a fractured, egotistical, uninformed society. Ideas would be confirmed and not criticized within a category.

Criticism is crucial for self betterment. Without criticism there is no intelligence only an obscure and incorrect view of intellect. The narrowing of minds is the result. There is no shared knowledge only the individuals perception of a correct worldview. There is no societal benefit. Select groups will arise that cater to each human caricature. Each group molded with information funneling and inflated sense of right. This sense of right will consume each vs. the other. Debates will still happen but nothing constructive will come out of it.  Cooperation will disappear leaving only ignorance and violence.

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