Friday, December 14, 2012


The following is a selection of e-mails we've received from a fellow conspiracy theorist and concerned patriot. While they are at times hard to read, they provide shocking foresight and insight into some of the United States' biggest problems. These e-mails have not been edited in any way, though some identifying information has been redacted.

Send us an e-mail.

5/12/11 - "30 years ago"
Henry Kissinger meet with the communist leader and saw dirt roads, 1 story sacks, no cars at all, warren people every where. China was concern with Russia coming closer so they thought that Russia would back down if they became friendly with the US. How any one could have thought that the best corporations would move there manufacturing and give there trade secretes away to the communist would have been committed and locked up!

Russia got trapped by Afghanistan and now we are trapped there. Could we become like Russia and China will take over the world?

Most of us would be around to find out, but about half of the 14 Trillion we owe belongs to China. 10,000 workers retire every day here. What's your best guess how this country will do in 30 years?

By, via Wikimedia Commons

1/26/12 - (No Subject)
Back in the late 1700s every too stones for granted. In 1793 William Smith, a canal digger, noticed rocks were arranged in layers. There were fossils in different layers. These same size fossils were in other out coppings. Certain size fossils were easier to dig. He draw a map of soft rocks and hard rocks and the church placed him in prison. Hell was a hallow fiery place not various kinds of rocks. Then one day 10 years later, a new nobleman figured that Smith's findings proved scientifically that Noah's flood caused layered rocks with fossils and the church's view of the world was right. William Smith was made the father of Geology.

I'm trying to tell the appealant court that there was a coolant leak in my truck as soon as I got it back from               . This is about as hard as William Smith tried to do. If I can't do this by Fed.1 I will have failed.

William Smith. By Hugues Fourau, via Wikimedia Commons

7/27/12 - (No Subject)
If you have a learning difficulty no problem take Adderall! 5% of student are on adderall and some sell it to there friends who take it before tests. The ones who don't get foodstamps. 2 million more food stamp user in the last 2 years.

By FtWashGuy, via Wikimedia Commons.

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