Thursday, August 22, 2013


With all the hullabaloo about the NSA's spying on every single U.S. citizen, the amount of internet users turning to encryption, proxy and VPN services, and other privacy tools has increased. But don't think those tools will keep you safe.

First of all, there's no guarantee your VPN won't turn over information to the government if they're served with paperwork that includes some serious threats. No matter what their policy is on keeping logs or monitoring traffic, keep in mind that you have no idea what the government can access and when. Say you had purchased some goods on the Silk Road and the seller, who used Tor Mail, didn't delete any of his order information, which included your shipping address. If the government were to seize those email servers, they would have evidence linking you to cyber crimes.
Nothing is safe. Images via Wikimedia Commons.
Secondly, if you are using a VPN or proxy, use common sense. Just because your real IP is blocked doesn't mean your actions can't be linked to you. Say you torrent some popular AMC shows and then decide to check your webmail. If you log into your webmail account through your proxy, that proxy will automatically be linked to your account and you, as will all the "private" downloading you did. The fact that your browsing is "anonymous" doesn't mean your identity will be protected.

As a final warning, be aware that just because you've taken every step possible to protect your identity and information, don't assume that your computer is safe. Maybe the NSA is logging every keystroke, recording audio and video from webcams and mics, or capturing your screen. Maybe they have a backdoor built into your OS.

In today's world, the only way to securely conduct any online activity is to find a public computer away from security cameras, wear a disguise and latex gloves, run the Tor Browser off an encrypted flash drive that you later destroy with thermite, all while using a fake identity and bitcoins purchased with VISA giftcards that were purchased with cash.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Do a quick Google search of "Rolling Stone cover" and you'll find quite a few articles and opinion pieces on the Rolling Stones' decision to put Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of their pop culture magazine. Many people are upset about it, saying Rolling Stone is glorifying terrorism/terrorists, or that they're trying to cash in on controversy, or that they're simply insensitive to the victims. But should we really be mad at Rolling Stone?

The controversial cover.
When I heard of the controversy, I immediately thought of some famous covers from Time magazine. They've plastered images of some of the world's most notorious killers. Seinfeld even did a sketch about a killer who made the cover of Time.

Granted, most people don't think of Rolling Stone as the hard news source that Time (laughably) is, but they've done some pretty good reporting. Check out the "Generation Kill" series, "Fast Food Nation", or their report on CIA operatives in the media. They've published some dirt on big conspiracies, some of which the government doesn't seem to like.

Before everyone gets all up in arms that Rolling Stone put the Boston Bomber suspect on their cover, realize that the media has been selling us an obsession with murder and death for years. For more information on that, check out Nancy Grace. This is nothing new, and the real perpetrator is us. We buy into it. We demand violence and tragedy, so the media supplies it. Whether that's a human trait, or if we've been conditioned to seek that controversy because of the media's portrayal of it is another question.

All the negativity, violence, and sadness shown on the news has a negative impact on us. It makes us anxious and depressed. It has deep psychological effects on us. So, tune out. Turn it off. Quit getting wrapped up in death and destruction and ignore the garbage they're shoving down your throat. Unplug from the Matrix and get out while you still can.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Head over to the DEA website and you'll see why drugs are illegal in their mission statement:

"The mission of the [DEA] is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States, or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States; and to recommend and support non-enforcement programs aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled substances on the domestic and international markets."

Or, maybe they don't touch on why drugs are illegal . . . Anyway, the big thing is they're dangerous. Kids get hooked on them, turn stupid, start murdering and raping, leech off society, and then overdose and die. As you can see in the chart below, the War on Drugs has had a significant impact on the number of overdose deaths in the U.S.
Rate per 100,000 of unintentional drug overdose deaths in the U.S., via CDC.
That's right, there are about six times more overdose deaths since the War started. What's interesting is that this data mirrors that of the prison population's growth since the War began (for more info on the U.S. prison system, which holds a quarter of all Earth's prisoners, check out some of these stats).

But let's get to the dangers of drugs, kids. Illicit drug use is dangerous. It's deadly. Using illegal drugs like cannabis, LSD, psilocybin, PCP, ecstacy, meth, crack, and heroin is the quickest way to end up dead. They have "no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse." These drugs are dangerous enough to warrant a $1 trillion (and counting) War. Dangerous enough to require mandatory minimum sentencing for users (so they can get the help and support they need to overcome their addiction in a safe, drug-free environment).

Let's take a look at some of the data showing how dangerous illegal drugs are:
Visit for more great info like this.
Hmmm, it's tucked in there right under diabetes. And here's a newsflash: that number isn't just the flat-out illegal stuff like DMT and crack. It includes prescription drug overdoses, too. Those pills the doctor gives us have started an epidemic. One hundred people die in the U.S. from prescription drug overdoses every day. Read more on the CDC website.

From those drug deaths, 9,429 were caused by "unspecified" drugs and since the rest were prescription medications, taken legally or illegally, we're assuming the illegal drug deaths are in there. For this article, and just for fun, we'll assume all 9,429 of those were illegal drug deaths.

Breaking all this data down further, the Harvard School of Public Health looked at the lifestyle factors responsible for the deaths described above. For some reason they didn't feel it was necessary to investigate illegal drug use (they probably couldn't find enough specific data). Here's their list, with illegal drug deaths thrown in there:
  1. Smoking: 467,000
  2. High blood pressure: 395,000
  3. Overweight-obesity: 216,000
  4. Inadequate physical activity and inactivity: 191,000
  5. High blood sugar: 190,000
  6. High LDL cholesterol: 113,000
  7. High dietary salt: 102,000
  8. Low dietary omega-3 fatty acids (seafood): 84,000
  9. High dietary trans fatty acids: 82,000
  10. Alcohol use: 64,000
  11. Low intake of fruits and vegetables: 58,000
  12. Low dietary poly-unsaturated fatty acids: 15,000
  13. Illegal drugs: 9,429
Not eating enough fruits and vegetables is more dangerous than doing illegal drugs! 
Harvard's breakdown is very similar to a popular CDC article titled "Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000" (that they have for some reason neglected to provide ever again), which listed the top three causes of death as smoking, poor diet and inactivity, and alcohol consumption, respectively. And just for some more reference, here's another article showing the top nine causes of death in the U.S. (hint: illegal drugs aren't on there).

In conclusion, no one should ever do illegal drugs, ever, because the government decided they're illegal and dangerous and they'll corrupt your mind. For more fun reading, check out the DEA's informative PDF Drugs of Abuse.

For our next installment, we'll be looking at another danger of illegal drugs: addiction, and how the government lists it as a mental health issue on all their websites, but decides to use the law enforcement system to treat it with prison sentences. Addiction is a disease, after all, and everyone knows the saying: "A 15-year sentence keeps the doctor away."

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Here's a list of how "our representatives" voted on the Amash Amendment that would (hopefully) protect us from the NSA's unchecked spying. Anyone who voted "no" should seriously fuck off. If your "representative" voted "no", please give them a call and tell them to get fucked.

On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 42 to H R 2397

Congress needs to fuck off. No one likes it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Automated license plate readers that track every single license plate they see and often store the data indefinitely have become a hot topic lately. The databases of information, which includes every sighting of a particular plate (i.e. you) over long periods of time can be viewed much like Google maps. Hope you didn't park in front of a crack den when you went out for milk.

Your new fingerprint. Via Wikimedia Commons.
The ACLU has been blasting not only the surveillance of innocent (though assumed-guilty) citizens, but also the varying retention policies of law enforcement offices. A few discard the info after a few days, some hold onto it for years (you never know when a "good guy" could turn out to actually be a "bad guy"), and others don't see a reason to have a policy at all. They have a page on their site dedicated to ALPR systems and a report in PDF format.

But what else can we do to protect our privacy against a government who continues to expand its powers? (And on a side note, do you trust the government to keep all the data it has on you safe?) While we haven't used it, you may want to invest in the NoPhoto license plate frame.

Or maybe you should never drive ever again, at least not in America.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


A recent NPR article announced Russia has been conducting military tests the likes of which haven't been seen since the prime years of the U.S.S.R. Analysts say they're doing this to show off for "China and Japan".

Call me paranoid, but maybe they're prepping for World War III, and I doubt they're going to be on our side. Relations with our cold neighbor have been pretty strained in recent years.

Back in 2012 there was Obama's "Give us space" remark.

And more recently, Putin pulled a Bill Clinton, told Obama Snowden wasn't "technically" in Russia.

Putin verbally slaps Obama.

Putin then "toys" with Obama.

It's gotten to the point that Obama is considering cancelling a meeting with Putin because he's so sick of his shit.

It doesn't help that analysts are saying Putin thinks Russia will one day "eclipse" the US.

Or that some people think the conflict is going to end in a nuclear stalemate.

With all the reports of Putin and Obama's difficulties working together, their struting and sparring, and the low-blows that have come from both fields, it's curious the Mass Media hasn't stirred up some controversy and pandered red-scare news stories to the masses. The lack of connection between our failed relations with Russia and their current military displays actually makes me more nervous that something worse is afoot. It's obvious the government controls the media, so just how much are they hiding from us in regard to a coming showdown with Russia?

Saturday, July 6, 2013


If you weren't scared of drones when it was revealed that the FBI has been using them over U.S. soil, or when the potential new head of the FBI made a case for using drone strikes to kill Americans in the U.S., perhaps some of the newly revealed capabilities of drones will get you worried. (And if not, you can always read this interview with top drone pilot Bill Tart.)

ARGUS can capture HD video of 15 square miles from 30,000 feet in the air. It's the “equivalent to having up to a hundred Predators look at an area the size of a medium-sized city at once.” It was discussed in Nova's "Rise of the Drones" program, from which the following clip is taken. The drone has a 1.8 gigapixel camera and constantly sends data back to the ground to be analyzed. People can be individually recognized, monitored, and followed throughout the day. This is some serious Enemy of the State business.

Interestingly enough, the US Military has stopped releasing drone information in regards to the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. On top of that, it also deleted all data from previous reports. Why would they not want us to know that 25% of missile attacks are completed by drones?

Perhaps because drone strikes have been shown to kill ten times more civilians than "terrorists". A U.S. study based on drone strikes in Pakistan criticized their use. This comes after Pakistan was revealed to secretly be requesting more drone strikes on their people, while publicly condemning them.

The drone industry is booming. It shouldn't matter to you whether a drone is killing or spying on people in a foreign land or right here in America. Drones represent a chilling future for humanity. Aside from turning war into a real-life video game, they're ineffective and pushed on us by the Military Industrial Complex.

If anyone has images or video of a drone flying in the U.S., please send it to us.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


It was a top story on newscasts, news sites, newspapers, and more, but will the American public have any reaction to PRISM? The story didn't get as much attention as Angelina Jolie's boob-job, or Kim Kardashian's pregnancy, but at least the mainstream media has finally made an effort to cover the issue of government spying (maybe because they've recently fallen victim to government spying).

But will it change anything? Does the public even care?

I can't count how many people I've spoken to about NSA whistleblowers, ThinThread, warrantless surveillance and its huge increase over the past few years, the PATRIOT Act, the Protect America Act, and the terrible nightmares I have because of all this. I've been called "crazy", "paranoid", a "conspiracy nut", and so on. Even after the news broke about PRISM, people still said I was a whack-job. They weren't interested in the story, and many still don't believe it. To me, that's the scariest part of it all. Hardly anyone cares.

This is where the magic happens.

Should we tell them everyone is a target? Should we let them know this has been going on since 2001, not 2007? Or that the government is downplaying the amount of data it keeps? Would anyone care that this spying has been used to take down government officials? They'd probably only care if it was a reality show.

Maybe we should give out copies of Enemy of the State, which did a superb job of outlining government spying capabilities while referencing actual NSA history and techniques. Even in 1998 they were just about spot on. Replace the satellites with ARGUS drones and it could be a documentary. Could Will Smith open everyone's eyes?

It's doubtful. The government will continue expanding its power and slowly leaking the information to test the waters. Each time they'll be taking more and more of our privacy, and the public will remain distracted by same-sex marriages, Duck Dynasty, fast food prices, getting drunk, or whatever else they think it so much more important than basic privacy rights.

If you're interested in maintaining any of your privacy, we recommend smashing all your electronics, selling your car, and heading off into the woods somewhere.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


A while back, we posted a collection of emails from a fellow conspiracy theorist. Since then, we haven't heard much from him. We assume he's been laying low; he often disconnects for months at a time. We recently received a couple emails from him and thought we would share.

Send us an e-mail of your own.

5/16/13 - "Hi Observers"
If you saw this what message would you take? The main debate with DMS5 is the way they classify mental disorders on their surface appearance not on the underlying biology. Appearance can be deceiving.

This photo was attached to the email.
5/18/13 - "Just published"
The following was included in a text document attached to an email. We are unsure of the source; this may be The Patriot's own work, or a forwarded message.

Sunshine without burning is good.

Objective: To explore the association of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and Alzheimer disease (AD) in the Einstein Aging Study, an epidemiologic study of aging in New York City.

Methods: Community-residing volunteers aged 70 years or older were assessed annually, followed by multidisciplinary diagnostic consensus. Cancer status and type was obtained by self-report. Cox proportional hazards models were used to test associations between NMSC and subsequent risk of developing a neurocognitive disorder. To deduce a biologically specific association between AD and NMSC, we considered 3 nested outcomes groups: only AD (probable or possible AD as the sole diagnosis), any AD (probable AD or possible AD, as well as mixed AD/vascular dementia), and all-cause dementia.

Results: We followed 1,102 adults with a mean age of 79 years at enrollment. Prevalent NMSC was associated with reduced risk of only AD (hazard ratio = 0.21; 95% confidence interval = 0.051–0.87; p = 0.031) among subjects after adjustment for demographics, hypertension, diabetes, and coronary heart disease. APOE ε4 genotypes were available in 769 individuals. The association was similar in magnitude, but nonsignificant, when the number of APOE ε4 alleles was included in the model. No significant association was found between NMSC and subsequent development of any AD or all-cause dementia.

Conclusions: This population-based longitudinal study shows that individuals older than 70 years with NMSC have a significantly reduced risk of developing AD compared with individuals without NMSC. We deduce Alzheimer-specific neuroprotection, because the effect is attenuated or eliminated when considering less-specific diagnoses such as AD with another diagnosis (any AD) or all-cause dementia.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


We've been watching The Daily Show for years, and while it always gives us a good chuckle, over the past few years, it's gotten darker and darker. It's becoming hard to laugh at the same injustice, corruption, media bias, and general terrible state of affairs in America. No matter how lovable and hilarious Jon Stewart is, the truths exposed in the show are too disheartening.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Everything is a system. Financial systems. Moral systems. Transportation systems. Ecosystems. Solar systems. Weather systems. Circulatory systems. Everything can be broken down to an element of a system.

Our solar system moving through space. From
Our reality is built on layers of systems, and our manufactured society reflects those systems. It builds on those systems. It utilizes the "system layout" to exist.

The drawback to any system is that it can be manipulated. Just like cancer manipulates systems in the human body, viruses manipulate computer systems. Just like pollution impacts environmental systems, selfish people manipulate social systems: school systems, political systems, global trade systems, etc.

What's happening in our current global society is that people are manipulating multiple systems and getting away with it. Take this example. A person manipulates the financial system for personal gain until at some point a piece of the system (or the entire system) breaks down. Then, that person hires someone familiar with the legal system to manipulate it and keep them out of trouble. The person hops from system to system, taking advantage of loopholes and leaving the broken systems in chaos for the rest of society.

There is no perfect system because we live in an imperfect reality. Every system relies on other systems to function. We cannot have a trade system without a legal system. We cannot have a solar system without a planetary system.

The Demon of Greed. By Pouyaafshar, via Wikimedia Commons
The question is: why do people try to break systems? Why are so many of us constantly rejecting our reality? Why are so many of us pursuing selfish goals? Why are so many of us ambivalent to the systems that shape our world? What is it about these systems that so many people reject and take advantage of?

We have no answer for you. We are at a loss for a solution. But something must be done. If humanity is ever going to reach a state of peace, something will have to change. Perhaps it's time to create new systems. Maybe we should start over and build something new, rather than building on the old. Have we learned nothing from our time in existence? Do we not have the tools to build a better system? We hope we do, because the current systems are failing everyone. They are crumbling, and pretty soon there may be no recognizable system left, but maybe that's just the start.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


It's common knowledge that major media blows everything out of proportion, choosing exaggerations and hyperbole over facts and hard news in order to boost ratings. The Weather Channel is just about as bad as they get.

The good ol' days.

Long ago the Weather Channel decided to give up its format of slow-moving data and sexy saxophone music for reality programming like Storm Stories, Storm Riders, Forecasting the End, It Could Happen Tomorrow and more. Click here for a complete listing of their shows; it's pretty hilarious. Of particular note are Iceberg Hunters and Deadliest Space Weather (we might actually check out that last one).

What's most ridiculous, though, is their continually overblown coverage of "deadly" storms. This year the Midwest was "ravaged" by two storms of apocalyptic magnitude: Rocky and Q. In reality, they were nothing more than several inches of snow along with some wind. The panic caused by the Weather Channel may have helped stores sell out of milk, but it didn't mean much else.

Then, came "Snowquestration", the fierce storm that shut down the federal government before it even started. Ace blowhard Jim Cantore himself went to D.C. to fist-fight the storm as he usually does. And while the storm amounted to hours of rain, all the Weather Channel decided to show were the ten short minutes of actual snowfall on loop for about 92 hours.

TAKE SHELTER!!! Photo by Pauline Eccles, via Wikimedia Commons

Mother Nature is a scary beast, and time after time she's dealt deadly blows, but the Weather Channel needs to check itself with all these cries of wolf. We've tuned them out completely. Our weather information consists of checking the radar on other sites, and ignoring all warnings and cries for attention. Maybe some day we'll be caught off guard, but it's better than hiding in the basement while it sprinkles outside.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


They seem to be popping up everywhere. First in Russia, then Cuba, then California. A slew of meteors in just a few days. So what are these foreign objects?

Shows of force.

The world is posturing for the nuclear-program-strutting North Korea, trying to show they have the capability to shoot down projectiles headed for populated areas. Though the Russian meteor was merely the size of a bus, it was still successfully blasted before inflicting maximum damage.

North Korea's bizarre emblem, with a star raining down  laser beams and meteors.
How will North Korea react to these displays? Probably with some more displays of their own, some pouting and strutting around, a little crying, and a lot of yelling. According to the U.N., China is the only country able to stop Kim Jung Un (though we'll bet the war hawks up at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. have something to say about that), but China doesn't seem to be doing anything.

We say gear up for some nuclear action within the next five years. But maybe we're wrong about everything. Maybe the Russian meteor was a fridge they chucked out of the ISS. Then they threw out the microwave and toaster.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


You've probably seen most of the Mission Impossible series. From the mind-bending series starter in 1996 to the Humpty-Dumpty-scene-having 3rd installment to the latest money grab.

And if you know anything about pop culture, you're probably familiar with Mission Impossible star Tom Cruise's delirious escapades. It's an age-old question: "What is up with Tom Cruise?" Most people chock his insanity up to . . . insanity, but we here at Conspiracy Fury have the real answer. Tom Cruise is secretly on the most impossible mission of his life, a mission to infiltrate and destroy the Church of Scientology, and everything he does is a front to further that mission.

A short jog through Wikipedia's "Relationships and personal life" section on Cruise brings up some interesting facts. First wife Mimi Rogers introduced Cruise to Scientology in the late 80s. After Rogers came an 11-year "Hollywood's hottest" relationship with Nicole Kidman, followed by a fling with Penelope Cruz. Of note is that all these relationships stemmed from on-screen romances, as if Cruise couldn't find a date out in the real world. Perhaps Cruise and The Church were using those deep pockets to buy wombs for Tom's seed.

It was speculated (and confirmed by an ex-Scientologist) that after the Cruise/Cruz breakup, The Church held auditions for his next love interest, hoping to keep their best promoter's image nice and tidy. "TomKat" was the product of that plot, and of note was that Scientology leader David Miscavige was Cruise's best man at the wedding. The tabloids went crazy for the next five years, digging up all kinds of dirt, such as brainwashing, kidnapping, alien insemination, and more.

So far you're probably wondering what this lunatic's escapades have to do with some "mission impossible". Here's where we pull the big Hollywood reveal and let you in on the secret: Tom Cruise is the greatest actor to ever live. He's taken his role so far that it has consumed his entire existence. Every waking moment he hides his true face behind the eyes of a brainwashed madman. He's secretly gathering information, leveling up, climbing the ranks of The Church in an attempt to bring down the entire organization from the top.

Tom Cruise has never won an Oscar, but his acting in the following scene should be enough for a lifetime achievement award. When the day finally comes, and he reveals all the secrets of The Church, ripping the entire organization limb from limb, we will finally see the real Tom Cruise and recognize him for the hero that he is.


A Conspiracy Fury subscriber sent us this photo with the note:
This is the photo of the black "chemtrail" it was taken on my way to work one morning. This is not the first time i've seen these black trails. I cannot imagine what they are, someone said, "oh it's a shadow" but as you well know that's impossible. Dark matter? Dark energy highway for interstellar/interdimensional travel? Your guess is as good as mine.
 We aren't sure what to think of these "blacktrails" either. It's all pretty scary when you consider how many lines zigzag across the sky, spreading as they form huge wall clouds, and all the while we civilians have no idea what's in the clouds, black, white or grey.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Popular history will tell you Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865. Call it revisionist history, but we know Lincoln was not assassinated. He was a haunted soul, hounded by depression, and he was ready to leave the world after giving it his final gift.

Not only did Lincoln suffer from Marfan syndrome, but he was known to be depressed. NPR produced a fascinating piece on his troubles, which ranged from general gloominess to complete breakdowns. And while some argue his depression is what made him great, it's doubtful he had any chance of beating it. Even today doctors struggle to fend off depression, but in the 1800's their tools were even more limited.

Add to that Lincoln's "Suicide Soliloquy" and things start to take quite the grim turn. Was Lincoln's suicide poem not a suicide note? Here are some lines:
  • "No fellow-man shall learn my fate" (a hint that we'd think his suicide was a murder)
  • "Yes, I've resolved the deed to do, And this the place to do it: this heart I'll rush a dagger through"
  • "Rip up the organs of my breath, And draw my blood in showers!"
Whether Lincoln pulled the trigger himself or hired Booth to do him in, there's no doubt he wanted to die. The Civil War was over, the Emancipation Proclamation passed, and his work was done. What was left for his tortured soul to do but die?

Saturday, January 12, 2013


If you live in the world of smartphones and tablets, you've undoubtedly been offered fingerprint apps. They advertise high-tech security and fun, but what do they really deliver? Your information and fingerprints in a database, shuffled across the internet highway for all to see.

There's Fingerprint Lock, Fingerprint Lock Free, Fingerprint Scanner FREE, Fingerprint Screen Lock ICS, and countless others. Check the permissions tab on those apps. They want approximate and precise GPS location information, full network access,  the ability to "read phone status and identity" and the ability to view your and edit your web bookmarks and history.

What do you think these app developers do with your fingerprint information?

  • Is it secure? If multinational banks can't keep records safe, it's doubtful poor app makers can. Hackers and evildoers will be doing their best to get this info, and what's to stop them from planting your fingerprints at a crime scene? It's not that crazy.
  • Is it sold? A buck an app isn't much money, but personally identifying information is worth boatloads in today's marketing culture. Is your identity being sold to marketers, or are the app makers the marketers themselves?
  • What about the government? The government would love a database of everyone's DNA and fingerprints. And with the ability to link that fingerprint to browsing and download info, who knows how legally unscrupulous things could get.

The app world is filled with fun and innovative things, but you should always be wary of what permissions you have to give your apps, and what personal information they are using. This goes for fingerprint scanners, facial recognition software, photo apps, and more. Every app is a potential threat. Keep yourself and your information safe.
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