Breeze over to Talkweb to see how one man purchased the personal data of of 1 million Facebook users for a mere $5. CLICK.
Facebook is a terrifying invention (of the CIA). Stalkers use it to follow their prey. Hackers use it to gather info on victims. Police use it to hunt down suspects. Sometimes Facebook just gives the info to them. Rest assured, they only use the data for good.
Internet security is as simple as A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 C!
Ever notice how Facebook asks you to tag people in photos, and it always knows who the person is? When your face if put on Facebook--even once--you are logged and tracked forever. Better hope were never ruled by a dictator. Even if you aren't on Facebook, but you get caught in a photo with a friend who has it, you're linked to them, and easily trackable.
And if Facebook's public facial recognition software is that good, imagine what the government has. Imagine the amount of data they've collected, through Facebook and beyond it, on everyone, from real threats to harmless sheep to the peace-loving, paranoid darknetters.
President of the United States of America. The most powerful person on earth. Ruler of the biggest, bestestest country ever invented. The "Leader of the Free World"™. The Man.
Not really.
Freakonomics did an eye-opening piece about how much power the POTUS really has, and revealed there really isn't much he can do. He's literally a mascot for America, a figurehead that represents this country, and not much more. Even the most powerful tool he has, the veto, can be overturned by Congress! So, when you go out and vote, you're really just choosing between a big foam elephant costume or a shiny, satin donkey costume for an out-of-work theater manager to wear while he dances around between plays at high school football games.
You're not picking someone who writes and passes laws or balances a budget or runs governmental agencies like the FDA, DEA, CDC, etc. Congress and the House do all that (or act like they do). They make the laws and they vote on them. They--and their corporate, lobbyist leaders--run this country.
Your presidential vote gives you in the dream. It gives you the illusion of freedom, distracting you from the real players in the game. It's the meatloaf your wife gives you to keep you happy while really she's hooking up with all your friends. It keeps your eyes this way while the rats tear into your back.
There's not much more to say. Your vote is a lie. There's no point. It's a broken system meant to trick you into choosing between two helpless pawns. We want to leave you with something uplifting, the music video for Killer Mike's song "Reagan". Enjoy.
The second part of our "RIGHT TO VOTE? WRONG" series continues on the heels of the vice presidential debate. If you didn't watch with glee and rapture, here's a link. We obviously aren't voting, but if we had to choose, we'd choose Joe Biden for president 2012. He gets a bad rap from The Media, but he's one of the most entertaining politicians in the mainstream (and one of the poorest politicians out there). The following clip showcases his off-beat humor that The Media, and most of America, just doesn't get.
Classic Biden!
Moving on to the real issues, if you're still not convinced after Part 1, here's possibly the biggest reason not to vote:
The voting system, as we've pointed out, is a sham, but roughly half the country goes out and votes in every presidential election. Worldwide, that's a low number, but it's still way too high. When half of the eligible voters in the United States go out and vote, they're telling each other, and their masters, that they support the system. The system works. The system is good. Two choices, an electoral college, hackable machines, media and financial taint, and all the other grimes aspects of the voting system are A-OK.
People do this all the time. It's called boycotting. When Chik-fil-A declared their hatred for homosexuals, people who support freedom boycotted the chicken joint. When TV pundits like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck go too far, people quit buying their garbage and watching their shows. When companies are found to use slave and child labor, consumers boycott their brands. It's a simple concept. You stop supporting things you don't support.
G. Dub has better things to do.
If you go out and vote this November, you're saying, "Yes, this is a good system, and I support it." If enough people vote, we will continue using this broken, shattered system. Your vote doesn't matter, but your non-vote does. Don't vote. Don't support this system. Support freedom. Stay home. Spend your time doing something important. In the next part we'll explain why your vote truly DOES NOT MATTER.
When we dream, our pineal gland releases dimethyltriptamine (DMT), the most powerful, most illegal hallucinogen known to man. It is a chemical with amazing spiritual properties. What has fascinated us most is that everyone who experiences DMT experiences the same thing. They meet the same beings, visit the same places and come back with the same feeling of enlightenment. It isn't like other drugs where our physical reality influences the trip. It is a vehicle that takes you to a spiritual realm beyond our physical world.
This is your brain on dreams. By L.Brown (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons
No, this is a post about doing drugs. We just want to provide a foundation for the spiritual reality explored in dreams. It's a question that has plagued man since his birth into the galaxy. What are dreams and why do we have them? They've been seen as gateways to our pasts and futures, messages from our subconscious, electrical processes our brain uses to form memories and more. Mankind has never truly understood dreams, but rest assured, we have the answer.
String theory, in a nutshell.
By MissMJ, derivative work:
Mateuszica, via Wikimedia Commons
String theory proposes the concept of a multiverse, the idea that there is not merely one universe, but a collection of universes existing together. Our universe exists in harmony with an infinite number of other universes. There are universes where we exist, though with slight differences; universes where we are totally different; universes without us altogether; universes that are devoid of any life; and on and on to infinity.
When we dream, our physical mind merges with the physical minds of our other existences that inhabit in the dimensions that surround us. Our brain stitches together the realities that are simultaneously experienced by our spiritual self. Yes, there is a spiritual "us", but not in the sense of a soul. There is one unified entity, that amalgamates all the moments experienced by the separate physical versions of ourselves.
The reason dreams seem strange to us is because we are experiencing a reality vastly different from our own, where another physical version of our spiritual self dwells. Our physical mind struggles to make sense of it all, and often our dreams are muddled and disjointed, but to be fair, our brain does a good job compiling this information considering how divergent and off-putting these other realities can be. Life in Hell. Worlds without gravity. Planets and creatures different from anything seen on Earth. The multiverse houses an infinite number of creations, and our simple brain is forced to witness, decode and categorize all of them.
EEG readings of the brain
by ULTRA NECTON, via Wikimedia Commons
Déjà vu occurs when we come across something similar to an experience one of our other physical selves had in his or her life. We are remembering pieces of a dream in which their physical experience was sent to our spiritual self. Given that there is an infinite amount of universes, an infinite amount of physical "us's", and an infinite amount of "us's" living in world's similar to our own, déjà vu is bound to occur. Imagine another physical version of yourself experiencing déjà vu based on one of your previous experiences!
As much as this theory explains about the meaning of dreams, it raises more questions. Why are our physical selves allowed these glimpses into each others' lives? Why do dreams fade away as the day goes on and we sink back into our own reality. What is our spiritual self's purpose, reason and end game, and will the physical version of ourself experiencing this reality be able to merge with our spiritual self?
It is a complex and deeply philosophical concept, and the answers are still unclear. Perhaps by becoming more connected to our spiritual self we will find the answers, or perhaps only through death are they discovered. Whatever the case, expect more thoughts on the true meaning of dreams in future Conspiracy Fury articles. We apologize for the brevity of this article, given the expansive nature of our topic, but we simply had to get these ideas written down. They came to us in a dream last night.
The US presidential election is coming up in a few weeks or something (we really don't care enough to know the date), and according to The Media, it's going to be a huge (or)deal. The election to end all elections. The Big Kahuna. All the other ones were funny one-liners leading up to this joke, and it'll have you in stitches.
We don't know what this means, but it came up in our search. By James S. Baillie, via Wikimedia Commons.
We decided to take you through a few of the reasons why voting is one of the dumbest things you can do this polling season in this three-part series: "RIGHT TO VOTE? WRONG".
In case you hadn't noticed, the US voting system is a joke. It's broken in so many ways, it was hard to know where to start this article. There's the awfully conceived electoral college. Oh, and the security problems with the voting machines themselves. Of course, there's also The Media's evil hand in things. But at the base of it all is arguably the biggest problem: the two-party system.
Fill in the blank. By Tomwsulcer , via Wikimedia Commons.
Freedom of choice is not a freedom granted to Americans. You can speak your mind (ha ha), assemble and protest (lol), have wheelchair accessibility (XD), and vote for your leaders, but you can only choose between these two. The red one or the blue one. Republican or Democrat. You have to shape your views to fit with one of these parties. There are other political parties, but they don't get to hold office. It's true. There are currently two Independents in Congress, and zero in the House. Everyone else is Red or Blue. So pick a party (of the two) and get fired up for politics!
One of the reasons this atrocious two-party system is still in place is because of The Media. They polarize everything. They make every argument two-sided, and for most of the mindless masses, that's fine. It's black or white. Republican or Democrat. There is no grey area portrayed between the two, so there is no grey area between the two.
Say you reconciled with the fact that you can only choose between two people. You go out to vote and your vote counts. Everyone votes, and the guy with the most votes wins. Democracy, right? Wrong. We have a representative democracy. People who represent us do the real voting in the electoral college. Learn how it works in more detail here, but basically, we peons vote. People look at those figures and cast votes to represent the majority's wishes. Each state has as many votes as it has members of Congress and the House. So, California gets 53 votes, Ohio gets 20, Montana gets 3, and on and on. This is how states like Florida can decide entire elections. All those old people (who are deeply concerned about future generations) stand in the way of one member of the two-party system getting the 270 votes needed to become POTUS. The rest of the states almost always give their votes to the same party, year after year after year.
If those idiotic problems weren't enough, there's the actual voting process itself: the physical process of voting. Ever heard of hanging chads? The culprit of a botched election in 2000. Just one problem among many, though. Did you know just about anyone can hack a voting machine? Fox News told us that years ago! And, no, they haven't fixed the problem. Rigging an election in the US is about as easy as buying two pounds of fried meat at a drive-through.
Feel free to dig deeper into these issues for yourself, but we're getting depressed. The bottom line is NO, your vote does not count. The system is a mess. You'd have better luck getting your candidate elected in Athens, circa 500 BC. The way political parties in the US works is biased and anti-freedom-of-choice. How those parties are portrayed by The Media is even worse. And to top it off, the system itself is in shambles. If your vote gets through, and isn't diluted by thousands of fake votes, it is only used as a suggestion for a representative in a ridiculous electoral process that takes entire college courses to explain in full.
We know, it's only part one and things aren't looking too good. Just wait until you see why your vote really doesn't matter in "RIGHT TO VOTE? WRONG, PART 2: LEGITIMIZING AN ILLEGITIMATE SYSTEM".
Several Conspiracy Furists have written asking if we're going to cover the "debate". We wanted to write a short response while it's still going on:
By DonkeyHotey, via Wikimedia Commons.
We will probably expose some conspiratorial facets of the debates later in the series, but for now, we think the conspiracy is pretty evident. There are two men onstage. One is the current (possibly illegitimate) president. The other is the illegitimate republican nominee (the voter fraud perpetrated by the GOP spread deep down to even the smallest US counties).
This is not a debate. It's a TV show. It's a commercial. Coke or Pepsi. Red or Blue. We'll cover a debate that gives more contenders an opportunity to speak, one that represents the myriad voices of American citizens (and the people of the world who have to deal with Mr. US President). Until then, tune in if you want, but be sure to watch with metered skepticism.
For over a year, protesters of the "Occupy" movement have done their best to shift society's perspective of Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Brother, Big everything, but for the most part, these heroes have been vilified and downplayed by the mainstream media. As the old adage goes, actions speak louder than words . . . and cardboard signs, chants and drum circles. Below is our four-point plan for helping overhaul the economy, the environment and our society as a whole. If enough people take part in our movement, real change will be possible. If .01% of the world stood up, we'd be 6 million strong. So, here's what to do, my 5,999,999 friends.
STEP 1: Quit Your Job.
The Man needs you working the ol' 9 to 5, stuck in a cubicle Monday through Friday, too tired by the weekend to care about anything other than not being in front of a computer. Your wage is worth less now than ever before (the dollar you earn today is worth less by the time you shower for work tomorrow). Your food, transportation and shelter cost more, and are bought with money that is less valuable than any time in history. The "real money" doesn't even get to you, anyway. It goes straight to the top, to your boss, the guy with million-dollar bonuses and half-year vacations. It's supposed to "trickle down" to you as he buys jet skis, private jets and dolphin steak.
Teddy Roosevelt's resignation letter. Craft yours just like it.
Break apart from the system. Free yourself from the chains of tyranny. Our society won't let you fail. We won't let you go hungry and homeless (as long as you're a woman or child and not a Vietnam veteran, then you're on your own). Stop making another man's dollar, and quit your stupid job. STEP 2: Load Up on Loans and Credit
By Cspurrier + David Vignoni , via Wikimedia Commons
Surely you've had plenty of opportunities to extend your credit limit. We've been offered risk-free $10,000 loans multiple times. Plus, there's this thing called a bank. You stock up on card offers and persuade a banker to give you some money, and you could very well grab yourself $40,000 in cash (debt).
With the financial crisis in full swing, there are a few things to keep in mind. 1. Bill collectors have bigger fish to fry. A few grand is nothing compared with $16 trillion. 2. The government forgives loan defaulters. Why not get imaginary money, spend it, say you're not paying, and get bailed out by Uncle Sam?
Borrow as much credit and money as you can. Not only will your loan and credit help destabilize the economy, it will also help you in the next step!
STEP 3: Buy All the Oil
Use your new-found fortune to do something good for the environment. Lobbyists and regulators have kept natural gas, hydro, nuclear, wind, and solar energy at bay for years (plus there's the martyred hemp industry). Only recently have these alternative resources gained on Big Oil, and who knows what other resources and technologies have been charred off the map. If they don't want to find a new energy source, then let's get rid of the one they have. Maybe when we own all the oil, they'll start working on some truly clean energy (as if they don't already have it). Get out there, and buy that oil, soldier!
Such an eyesore. Photo by “John Womack (littlejohn)”.
STEP 4: Watch it Burn
Now that you have your gas, oil, plastics, and other oil bi-products, it's time for the home run. First, a word of caution: be sure to wear protective clothing, gloves and respirators as these products are known to cause cancer and birth defects.
You can horde your oil and use it against Big Oil later if you want, but when the rest runs out be prepared for gun-wielding hillbillies to come after ya. Our suggestion? Burn it all, so it's gone forever. The choice is yours, but it's obvious we have to act now to save the planet. Without oil, we can finally focus on cleaner, more reliable, sustainable energies. It's obvious money doesn't matter to these ancient corporations. They just crave the power. Give them your money, but take the power. It's the best deal you'll find on the market today.
Imagine all the oil these protesters could buy if they all had loans! Photo by Infrogmation of New Orleans.
It's a wild world we live in, and it's getting scarier by the day. Follow our plan, and you can do more than an entire street-full of protesters. Quit your job. Borrow money. Buy their oil. Watch it burn.
More Fury!What if everything you thought you knew about oil was a lie? We're going to go in-depth into the true oil lie, but until then, here's some information, and it's free.